Confidential Franchise Application

Find Your Future In Franchising

This form will aid you in preparing and presenting personal information for the confidential use of our Franchising Committe. This form places no continuing obligation on either party. THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT.

All information presented will be held in the strictest of confidence.

If you prefer to submit a paper copy of this applicaiton, you can download and print this PDF version to complete and return by fax.


First Name:
Date of Birth:
Marital Status:
Own or Rent:
Years There:
Home Telephone:
Business Phone:
Social Insurance:
Will your spouse join you in this venture?
This business venture will be an:
How would you rate your sales ability?
How would you rate your management ability?



Employment History

From:To:Firm:Position:Annual Income:
Have you ever owned your own business? If so, please give details:
Do you or any of your immediate family/partners have any packaging experience?
Any lawsuits or actions pending against you? If so, give particulars:
Locations (cities) preferred for your territory?

Confidential Financial Statement

Assets:Liabilities & Net Worth:
Cash on hand, available:Notes Payable:
Stocks, Bonds, RRSP:Charge Accounts, Credit Cards:
Life Insurance Surrender Value:Due on Life Insurance:
Prensions:Taxes Payable:
Real Estate:Mortgages:
Vehicles, Collectibles, Other:Due on Vehicles, Other:
Total Assets:Total Liabilities:
Total Assets minus Total Liabilities = NET WORTH:

Monthly household overhead?
Percentage of this investment to come from your own capital?
How would you finance this investment?Cash on hand
Have you ever declared bankruptcy or reorganized due to insolvency, either individually or as a partner or principal officer of a company? If so, describe when and the circumstances (including remaining liabilities):

Additional Information

When would you be able to start this venture?
If your application is approved by our Franchise Committe, are you prepared to travel to Denver to meet with members of our International Support Center staff?  
Best Time To Contact You:
How did you first hear about this franchise opportunity?
Finally, please let us know any additional information you think might be useful for us have at hand when we contact you:

In submitting this application and statement you guarantee its accuracy with the intent that it be relied upon in granting a franchise. You certify that each part of the application and financial statements hereof and the information inserted herein has been carefully read and is true and correct. You further authorize us to order a consumer credit report on your behalf.

Please ensure ALL items have been completed before clicking the submit button below. Blank fields may invalidate this application.

Of course, we value your privacy and no information submitted will be disclosed, sold, or otherwise supplied to any third party.